Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Raise a Religious Leader?

Our current crisis and the apparent lack of leadership throughout this nation's history always force us to ask why we can't have great leaders. Why can't we have another Omar bin Abdul-Aziz, Nourul-Deen Mahmoud, Othman the first or Saladin? Then the question comes to benefit this study: how can we get such a leader?

We should look at the moral structure of one of those great religious leaders. We will bypass the three centuries between now and then so that nobody says that 'the time was good, preparation was easier then' and that 'this is inapplicable in our bitter reality'.

The subject of our study is the sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih (Mehmet II). He is Muhammad Khan II son of the Ottoman Mourad II, the seventh sultan in the family of Al-Othman, called Al-Fatih (the conqueror) and Abil-Kheyrat (wealth bringer); he was born in 833 hijri. He was the second of his brothers; he had an elder brother called Alaa'din who was martyred in preaching.

Muhammad II was raised since his early childhood on the importance of heroicness, leadership, preaching and right house. The father of the sultan Mourad II used to raise his children to carry on his job after him. His father left him to a number of teachers and scientists to raise him on the Islamic manners and principles. His father noticed his desire to play and have fun and his inattention to his teachers, so he asked Mourad II for a teacher that could control this boy Muhammad. He was told that the scientist Ahmad 'ibn Ismail Al-kori was the best to do the job. Mourad II summoned him and gave him a rod to beat Muhammad with if he didn't learn from him. So Al-kori went to Muhammad -with the rod in his hand- and told him your father has sent me to teach you and beat you if you disobey me. Muhammad laughed, so he beat him severely until he was afraid of him and recited the whole Qur'an in a short period of time. He then taught him Islamic sciences and read to him books of history. Muhammad excelled beyond all of the other princes and managed to learn to speak three languages: Turkish, Persian and Arabic. Sultan Mourad II was keen to push his young child to leading positions, even though he was only twelve years old. When he saw his competence he promoted him to higher positions and gave him the Sultanate when he was fourteen years old. Mourad isolated himself to worship but he didn't leave his project, hopefully a great leader that can face the external enemies and internal protesters. He kept watching his project so that he could interfere if he had to. He interfered twice - once when Christian Europe declared war on the Ottomans because of their sultan's young age, causing Mourad come out of solitude and lead the Muslims to a glorious victory in the battle of Varna on 28th Ragab 853 hijri. The other occasion came when internal disturbances arose provoked by the soldiers of Al-Ankeshariea thinking their sultan wasn't strong enough, so Mourad II defeated them.

Preparing leaders is no easy matter. It cannot be left to circumstances without planning and consideration, nor is it a matter of individual geniality of one person who crosses the rows to attain leadership. It is a tiring and long procedure that starts from early childhood to enrich the talents, explore the skills and increase the powers in sequential procedures to raise the leader.

This preparation should not stop on the religious part. It is a matter of the complete construction of a leader that will lead a nation. He will lead the nation through its life, full of unknowns and new matters that join ancient and modern.

The practice of the leader's job reveals the suitability and seriousness of the leadership project, and the correctness of the proposed model. Some leaders do not show defects outside the government but when they are cast into the field their defects appear. That is why the father was keen to test his son Muhammad. He made him leader of a small estate first as practice, then leader of the whole country without leaving him. He stayed with him until he was strong enough, despite the many bitter experiences.

The scientist, Ahmad 'ibn Ismail Al-Kori:

He used to teach Muhammad to recite the Qur'an, he used to read him the religious books, he raised him to respect Allah's orders and to comply with the Shari'a laws and he taught him to fear Allah. This honourable teacher used to ignore the Governors' orders if they contradicted Allah's laws. He never knelt before a sultan, and he used to address them by name directly, and he used to greet them without kissing their hands. That is why we can see the great effect the man had on Muhammad, where we find him, as a governor, respecting the Shari'a, religious scientists, who killed one of his followers because he beat a judge and refused to execute his judgement. We find Muhammad Al-Fateh choosing his followers and friends from the scientists and good people. He never heard of a poor scientist without helping him. He would conduct a meeting in Ramadan after Zuhr (noon) prayer, assisted by the prominent scientists in tafseer (deciphering the meaning of Qur'anic verses), where each of them would speak about one verse and discusses it with the other scientists, and the Fatih shared this with them. When he defeated the chief Al-Turkuman Hassan Al-Taweel, a man who used to attack, betray them and ally with any group other than the Ottomans, Al-Fateh ordered to kill the captives except the scientists like the judge Muhammad Al-Shurehy, who fought unwillingly with Al-Taweel, and was one of the best scientists of his time. Al-Fateh was generous to him because of his knowledge despite his attack.

The second teacher was Al-Sheikh Muhammad bin Hamza al-Rrouhy, known as Ba'q Shams Al-din. This scientist had a great effect on the life of the leader Muhammad Al-Fateh as he instilled him on two great matters:

1- Increasing the Ottoman preaching movement

2- Convincing Muhammad that he can be the prince mentioned in the Hadith, "He who conquers Constantinople will be the best of princes and his army will be the best of armies." To make Muhammad sure he was meant by this Hadith the first thing he made him do in his government was to prepare to bring Islamic rule to Constantinople and he did it.

In fact, because of his influence, the historians call Shams Ad-din the spiritual conqueror of Constantinople. This Sheikh taught Muhammad the sciences, such as mathematics, astronomy, history, and methods of war, and he gave Al-Fatih a lesson in his childhood that he never forgot; a lesson that revealed how well this Sheikh understood the raising and upbringing of a religious leader. One day he called Al-Fateh and beat him so severely that Al-Fateh cried a lot and remembered that day when he was sultan in his father days. He called his Sheikh and asked him angrily, “Why did you beat me that day without me doing something that deserves beating?” His Sheikh told him, “I wanted to show how unfairness tastes, to prevent you from being unfair to anyone when you take leadership”, so Al-Fateh apologized to his Sheikh.After conquering Constantinople, Al-Fateh wanted to retire and devote himself to worship of Allah. When asked his Sheikh this, he replied, “if you went into solitude you will find a joy that exceeds the government in your eyes, and things will be confused. What you are doing is better than solitude.” This statement shows great understanding from the teacher.
Just like this religious scientist raised his student to take leadership, on great manners and held him to a noble aim, where he sought it and directed all his powers towards it, certainly this was for the welfare of the whole Ummah (nation). © جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ketabahan Ibu Musa dibalas kebaikan

YUKABID adalah ibu kepada Nabi Musa. Yukabid mengandungkan Musa ketika Firaun memerintahkan anak lelaki kaum Bani Israel dibunuh kerana bimbang anak lelaki akan menentang dan mengambil kekuasaannya.

Suatu ketika, Yukabid mendengar perintah Firaun itu. Alangkah sedihnya hati Yukabid kerana dia sedang sarat mengandung waktu itu. Yukabid terpaksa bersembunyi sahaja di rumah agar kandungannya tidak diketahui orang.

Sehinggalah tiba masanya, Yukabid pun melahirkan anaknya. Alangkah terkejutnya dia apabila anak yang dilahirkannya itu adalah anak lelaki.

Walaupun berasa takut dengan perintah Firaun, seboleh-bolehnya dia mahu mempertahankan nyawa anaknya itu. Dia tidak mahu anaknya itu menjadi korban undang-undang yang diperintahkan oleh Firaun yang zalim dan kejam.

Yukabid berjaya merahsiakan kelahiran Musa selama tiga bulan daripada pengetahuan Firaun dan tentera-tenteranya.

Walau bagaimanapun, hatinya tidak pernah tenteram melihat anaknya yang semakin membesar. Dia risau akan keselamatan Musa. Dalam kerisauan itulah, Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa telah memberi ilham kepada Yukabid agar membuat sebuah peti. Lalu Allah SWT memerintahkan agar Musa dimasukkan ke dalam peti dan dihanyutkan ke Sungai Nil.

Dengan hati yang tenang dan sabar, maka Yukabid pun menghanyutkan Musa ke sungai Nil seperti yang diperintahkan oleh Allah SWT kepadanya. Peti itu dihanyutkan oleh arus sungai sehingga sampai ke istana Firaun.

Kebetulan pada hari itu, Asiyah permaisuri Firaun sedang bersiar-siar bersama dayang-dayangnya. Ketika sedang bersiar-siar itu, Asiyah menyuruh dayang-dayangnya mengambil sedikit air dari Sungai Nil. Alangkah terkejutnya mereka apabila mendapati ada sebuah peti di sisi kaki mereka. Lalu diambil peti itu dan dibawakan kepada Asiyah.

Maka Asiyah terus membuka peti itu dan dilihatnya da seorang bayi di dalamnya. Apabila melihat akan wajah bayi itu, timbul rasa cinta dan kasih dalam hatinya terhadap bayi itu. Asiyah mengambil bayi itu dan dibawanya pulang istana.

Tiba sahaja di istana, Asiyah meminta keizinan Firaun untuk membela bayi itu. Pada mulanya Firaun tidak mengizinkan Asiyah mengambil bayi itu tetapi setelah dipujuk, akhirnya Firaun bersetuju.

Setelah mendengar tangisan kehausan bayi itu, Asiyah berasa kasihan lalu disuruhnya Firaun mencarikan seorang wanita yang dapat menyusukan bayi itu. Akan tetapi seorang demi seorang wanita yang datang untuk menyusukan bayi itu telah ditolak oleh bayi tersebut.

Bayi itu tidak mahu disusukan oleh mereka sehinggalah berita ini diketahui oleh saudara Musa, Mariam. Lalu Mariam datang ke istana dan memberitahu kepada dayang-dayang Asiyah bahawa dia boleh membawakan seorang ibu yang boleh menyusukan bayi itu.

Mendengar sahaja berita daripada dayang-dayang itu, Asiyah memerintahkan agar bayi itu dibawa ke rumah Yukabid.

Yukabid menyambut anaknya itu dengan penuh kasih sayang. Bayi itu terus minum susu ibunya sehingga kenyang. Alangkah seronoknya hati Yukabid. Allah SWT telah mengembalikan anaknya, Musa kepadanya kerana kesabaran dan ketabahan mengikut perintah-Nya.

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia 231009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Roslin tuntut cincin risik, kos pengangkutan dan kerja kahwin

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. - Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah di sini menetapkan 21 Disember ini keputusan sama ada pemain badminton negara, Roslin Hashim berhak membuat tuntutan ganti rugi RM53,460 daripada bekas isteri yang dinikahinya hanya selama 12 hari.

Tarikh tersebut ditetapkan oleh Timbalan Pendaftar Mahkamah Syariah, Nurul Wazeera Ahmad Dahalan bagi pihak Hakim Syarie, Mohd. Radhi Abd. Latif yang sedang berkursus.
Terdahulu, Nurul Wazeera menetapkan 20 November ini tarikh untuk Faizah Mohamad, 32, selaku defendan memfailkan bantahan awal dan hujahan bertulis terhadap tuntutan bekas suaminya itu.

Roslin, 34, atau nama penuh Muhammad Roslin Hashim yang merupakan plaintif diberi tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh tersebut untuk menjawab bantahan tersebut.

Roslin diwakili peguam syarie, Roslizam Rahim manakala Faizah diwakili peguam syarie, Mohd. Amir Nazli Hussin.

Bekas pemain No. 1 dunia itu mengemukakan tuntutan perbelanjaan yang dikeluarkan sewaktu merisik antaranya ialah cincin bernilai RM1,900, kos pengangkutan (RM200) dan barangan pertunangan (RM2,915).

Bagi perbelanjaan sewaktu perkahwinan pula, Roslin menuntut duit hantaran dan mas kahwin (RM15,080); bayaran jurunikah (RM150), upah solekan pengantin dan sewa barang kemas (RM500); barang hantaran (RM11,465); baju dan kasut pengantin perempuan (RM6,750).

Turut dituntut ialah khidmat video (RM2,000), kad jemputan kahwin (RM700), pengangkutan dan penginapan (RM1,300), perbelanjaan kenduri di Kelantan (RM10,000) serta tiket kapal terbang pengantin (RM500).

Faizah ketika ditemui pemberita memberitahu, dia tidak menyangka bekas suaminya sanggup membuat tuntutan sedemikian.

Jelasnya, pihaknya sanggup memulangkan kesemua barang hantaran sekiranya Roslin memintanya untuk berbuat demikian secara bermaruah.

''Apa yang dia buat sekarang adalah langsung tidak masuk akal dan sebagai seorang lelaki dan seorang yang pernah bergelar suami, tindakannya macam tak bermaruah. Saya tidak tahu apa maksud perkahwinan pada dia,'' katanya.

Faizah juga menyatakan, dia merasa ingin ketawa apabila melihat perincian tuntutan yang dibuat oleh bekas suaminya yang dianggap tidak munasabah.

Menurutnya, selain bantahan awal, pihaknya juga akan mengemukakan tuntutan balas.

Beberapa orang abang Faizah yang hadir pada prosiding hari ini turut meluahkan rasa kesal dan tidak puas hati mereka terhadap Roslin.

''Dulu kami tidak berkata apa-apa sebab tidak mahu panjangkan cerita. Tapi dia buat macam ini, seolah-olah adik saya tiada maruah langsung. Tuntutan yang dia buat juga tak masuk akal,'' ujar abang sulung Faizah, Zaidi.

Perceraian pasangan itu mengejutkan ramai pihak bukan sahaja kerana ia berlaku 12 hari selepas bernikah tetapi Roslin dalam prosiding pengesahan perceraiannya turut bersumpah bahawa tiada hubungan kelamin berlaku dalam tempoh yang singkat itu.

Pada 12 Mei lalu, Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Petaling Jaya memutuskan pasangan tersebut sah bercerai dan talak tersebut jatuh dalam kategori bain sughro (talak yang tidak boleh rujuk kembali kepada perkahwinan asal).

Pasangan itu bernikah di rumah Faizah di Puchong pada 1 Februari lalu dan lapan hari kemudian majlis bertandang di rumah Roslin di Kampung Sirih, Kota Bharu dengan wang hantaran RM15,000.


1. Sumber-Utusan Malaysia

2. Bagaimana konflik dapat diselesaikan secara berhemah agar tidak menjejaskan nama baik kedua-dua belah pihak?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fatimah Ibu Mithali

FATIMAH binti Asad ialah ibu kepada Ali bin Abu Talib. Abu Talib adalah bapa saudara Nabi Muhammad. Selepas Aminah meninggal dunia, Abu Talib mengambil tanggungjawab menjaga Nabi Muhammad.

Semasa Nabi Muhammad tinggal dengan Abu Talib, Fatimah menjaga anak saudaranya dengan baik.

Segala makan minum, tempat tinggal dan pakaian Nabi Muhammad disediakan oleh pasangan suami isteri itu mengikut kemampuan mereka.

Nabi Muhammad merupakan seorang yang baik, jujur, amanah dan menghormati orang yang lebih tua daripadanya.

Fatimah adalah antara wanita yang awal memeluk agama Islam. Semasa Nabi Muhammad dilantik menjadi nabi, Fatimah memberi sokongan padu kepada Nabi Muhammad bagi menegakkan agama Islam.

Anak-anak Fatimah juga turut mengikuti jejak langkah ibunya dengan memeluk agama Islam. Antara anak Fatimah yang memeluk Islam ialah Uqail, Jaafar, Ali, Ummu Hani dan Talib.

Nabi Muhammad sangat menghormati Fatimah seperti ibunya sendiri.

Semasa Fatimah tinggal di Madinah, Nabi Muhammad sering berkunjung ke rumah Fatimah dan berehat serta tidur pada siang hari di rumah itu.

Begitu juga keadaan berlaku semasa Fatimah tinggal di Mekah. Nabi Muhammad sering ke rumah Fatimah untuk berjumpa dengan ibu saudaranya itu.

Ada seorang lelaki tua bercerita kepada jirannya tentang Fatimah binti Asad. Lelaki tua itu berkata: “Nampaknya keluarga Fatimah sangat rapat dengan Muhammad. Fatimah menjaga Muhammad dengan baik sekali”.

Lalu jiran itu berkata pula: “Bukankah Fatimah itu isteri kepada Abu Talib? Abu Talib adalah bapa saudara Muhammad”.

“Ya,” jawab lelaki tua itu.

Jiran itu menambah lagi: “Sekarang ini Muhammad sudah berkahwin dengan Siti Khadijah. Saya dapat tahu bahawa Ali, anak Fatimah tinggal bersama Muhammad”.

“Ya. Saya juga dengar berita itu,” kata lelaki tua itu pula.

Lelaki tua itu tersenyum mendengar cerita jirannya itu. Lelaki tua itu berkata lagi: “Sejak kecil Fatimah mendidik dan menjaga Muhammad. Sudah tentu Fatimah mengetahui sifat-sifat yang ada pada Muhammad.

“Saya sendiri melihat Muhammad itu baik orangnya. Dia seorang yang amanah, jujur dan baik budi pekerti. Muhammad tidak pernah memungkiri janji”.

“Patutlah Fatimah sanggup membiarkan Ali tinggal bersama Muhammad. Sekiranya saya ada anak, sudah tentu saya juga ingin melihat anak saya tinggal bersama Muhammad. Pasti Muhammad dapat mendidik anak saya menjadi orang baik,” kata jiran itu panjang lebar.

Rata-rata orang yang mengenali Fatimah binti Asad akan memuji sifat keibuannya. Dia pandai mendidik anak sehingga anak-anaknya menjadi anak yang baik.

Sejarah Islam mencatatkan bahawa anak Fatimah iaitu Ali bin Abi Talib telah dilantik menjadi Khalifah yang ketiga selepas Khalifah Umar al-Khattab menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir.

Fatimah juga menyumbang usahanya kepada Islam. Dia adalah seorang wanita yang suka menghafal dan melaporkan hadis dari Nabi Muhammad. Sepanjang hayat, dia telah melaporkan sebanyak 46 buah hadis.

Ali bin Abi Talib iaitu anak Fatimah telah berkahwin dengan anak Nabi Muhammad iaitu Fatimah az-Zahra. Semasa Fatimah az-Zahra menjadi menantunya, Fatimah menjaga menantunya dengan baik.

Ada satu peristiwa yang berlaku semasa Fatimah di rumahnya. Ali meminta ibunya membantu isterinya di rumah.

Ali berkata kepada ibunya: “Wahai ibu, bolehkah ibu membantu isteri saya mengambil air dan membuat pekerjaan yang lain. Isteri saya akan membantu ibu membuat roti untuk kita makan pada hari ini”.

“Boleh. Ibu sedia buat apa sahaja untuk anak dan menantu ibu yang disayangi itu,” kata Fatimah kepada anak lelakinya.

Semasa Fatimah menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir, Nabi Muhammad datang menziarahi jenazah Fatimah.

Nabi Muhammad berdoa kepada Allah, “Semoga Allah menyayangi diri Fatimah. Dia merupakan ibu bagi diri saya. Walaupun dia lapar, dia tetap memberi saya makan sehingga kenyang.

“Apabila pakaian saya koyak dan kotor dia akan beri pakaian yang baik kepada saya. Dia akan menghidangkan saya makanan yang enak dan lazat. Semoga Allah membalas jasa dan kebaikan Fatimah di akhirat kelak”.

Kisah srikandi Fatimah merupakan kisah teladan yang boleh dijadikan contoh. Ibu mithali sangat dihormati dan disayangi oleh anak-anak.

*Utusan Malaysia: Petikan daripada buku Bidadari Syurga terbitan PTS Publication & Distributors Sdn. Bhd.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mothers in Islamic Teaching

The Quran has a number of things to say about a Muslim's obligations to parents.

And We have enjoined on the human being in (regard to) his two parents - his mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning was two years - Give thanks to Me and to your parents. To Me is the goal. But if they strive with you to associate with Me (gods) you do not know about, then do not obey them. But keep company with them both in the world in an honorable manner, and follow the path of who repents to Me. Then I will tell you what you have worked. - Surah Luqman ayat 14-15

It is an established principle in Islam that there is no obedience to any created thing (such as another person) that entails disobedience to Allah SWT. Thus a Muslim must not obey if his or her parent calls him to polytheism. Yet even in this case, Muslims are commanded to "keep company with them both ... in an honorable manner." Also notice that Allah SWT has particularly mentioned the sacrifices a mother makes for her child as she goes through pregnancy and labor and as she nurses and weans him. Allah SWT has also mentioned thankfulness to parents in the same sentence as thankfulness to Him.

And We have enjoined on the human being in (regard to) his two parents the most beautiful conduct. But if they strive with you to associate with Me (gods) you do not know about, then do not obey them. You all will return to Me and I will tell you what you have worked. - Surah al-Ankabut ayah 8

Here the same point is made again that obedience to Allah SWT takes precedence over obedience to the parents. We can also see that Allah SWT has specifically commanded "beautiful conduct" (in Arabic, ihsan) to parents. The previous passage (31:14-15) mentioned gratitude or thankfulness to parents as an example of beautiful conduct, along with keeping company with them in a honorable manner, even if they are polytheists.

And We have enjoined on the human being in (regard to) his two parents the most beautiful conduct. His mother bore him under duress and brought him forth under duress. And his bearing and his weaning was thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of forty, he says, "My Lord and Sustainer, grant to me that I am thankful for the graciousness that You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may work righteousness pleasing to You, and make my offspring righteous. Surely I turn to You and surely I am of those who submit (to You)." - Surah al-Ahqaf ayah 15

In this ayah, Allah SWT again mentions the beautiful conduct that parents are due. He has also again made mention of the difficulties that a mother has no choice but to endure during her pregnancy and labor, and during the period that she nurses and weans her child. We can also see that beautiful conduct to parents includes praying on their behalf.

Your Lord and Sustainer has decided for you that you do not worship any but Him, and (He has determined) beautiful conduct to the two parents. If one or both of the two of them reaches the greatness of age, so do not say a harsh word to them, but speak to them generously. And lower the wing of humility, out of gentleness, and say, "My Lord and Sustainer, be gentle to them just as they cherished me when I was small." - Surah al-Isra ayat 23-24

Here, Allah SWT introduces another part of the beautiful conduct which parents are due, which is to take care of them when they are elderly and never to be impatient with them or speak arrogantly to them. Praying for them has been mentioned again. Also notice that Allah SWT has mentioned beautiful conduct to parents immediately after serving Him alone.

(O Prophet) say, "Come, I will read out to you the sacred rules your Lord and Sustainer has given you: That you do not associate anything as a partner with Him. That you give beautiful conduct to the two parents. That you do not kill your children fearing flat poverty - We will provide for you and for them. That you do not even go near lewdness, neither the obvious nor the hidden. That you do not kill the life that Allah has made sacred, except in the truth (of what has been commanded). That is what He has enjoined upon you in order that you become intelligent. - Surah al-An'am ayah 151

In this ayah, Allah SWT has listed a variety of commandments. The scholars are agreed that these commandments have been mentioned in order of their importance. Obviously, worshiping Allah SWT alone is the most important of all commands. Immediately following this in importance is beautiful conduct to parents. The commentators on the Quran have linked this to the role of the parents in cherishing and bringing children up (mentioned in 17:23-24 above), which is a reflection of Allah SWT's cherishing and sustaining of all creation. Because parents reflect qualities of Allah SWT, we must treat them in the most beautiful manner even as we treat Him in the most beautiful manner. This can also be noticed in the link of thankfulness to Allah SWT and thankfulness to parents (see 31:14-15 above).

O humankind! Be in awe of your Lord and Sustainer, He who created you all from a single soul, and created from it its mate, and from the two of them brought forth many men and women. Be in awe of Allah and of the wombs (that bore you). Surely Allah is watching over you. - Surah an-Nisa ayah 1

Here, Allah SWT draws a link between Himself and mothers, commanding a deep awe and reverence not only for Himself but also for mothers. This is because mothers, through bringing forth life (as indicated by the mention of wombs), reflect Allah SWT's nature as the creator of all. Just as parents' reflection of Allah SWT's quality of tarbiya (cherishing) means that they deserve the most beautiful conduct from us, so mothers' special reflection of Allah SWT's quality of creating life means that mothers are due our deepest reverence and awe.

Mothers in the Hadiths

The Prophet (sAas) has also discussed how Muslims are to treat their parents, and a number of sayings have been reported from him on this matter.

The following is narrated by Abdullah ibn Masud by way of Abu Amr ash-Shaybani:
I asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which action Allah loves best. He replied, "Prayer at its proper time." I asked, "Then what?" He said, "Then beautiful conduct to parents." I asked, "Then what?" He replied, "Then jihad in the Way of Allah." He told me about these things. If I had asked him to tell me more, he would have told me more.

This report is similar to what has been mentioned in 6:151 above: beautiful conduct to parents is second only to worship of Allah SWT as an obligation on Muslims. Notice also that beautiful conduct to parents takes precendence even over jihad!

The following is narrated by Imran ibn Husain, Abdullah ibn Amr, and Abu Bakra:

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Shall I tell you which is the worst of the major wrong actions?" They replied, "Yes, Messenger of Allah." He said, "Associating something else with Allah and disobeying parents." He had been reclining, but then he said up and said, "And false witness."

This is the obvious corollary of the previous hadith; if beautiful conduct to parents is second only to worshiping Allah SWT alone as an obligation, then disobedience to parents should clearly be second only to polytheism as a sin.

The following stories have been narrated by Anas ibn Malik, Abdullah ibn Amr and Jahmah:

Anas ibn Malik: A man came to the Messenger of Allah and said: "I longed to go on jihad but I was not able to". He said: "Is either one of your parents still alive?" The man said: "My mother". He said: "Allah has instructed us in devotion to her, so if you do thus, you are as one who has made the hajj, the umrah and participated in jihad."

Abdullah ibn Amr: A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, wanting to do jihad. The Prophet asked, "Are your parents alive?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "Then exert yourself on their behalf."

Jahmah: I said to the Holy Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, I desire to go on a (military) expedition and I have come to consult you." He asked me if I had a mother, and when I replied that I had, he said, "Stay with her because Paradise lies beneath her feet."

It was already noted above that the Prophet (sAas) said that service to parents takes precedence over jihad, and here we see that the Prophet (sAas) definitely put this into practice, more than once! Note that the phrase "exert yourself on their behalf" in the second hadith is a translation of the Arabic jahada, from which we also get the word jihad (meaning struggle or striving). In other words, the Prophet (sAas) was making a little play on words to say that jihad (striving or exerting oneself in the path of Allah SWT) may take more forms than just military action.

The following is narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr:

A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and made a pledge to him that he would do hijra (emigration). He left his parents who were in tears. The Prophet said, "Go back to them and make them laugh as you made them weep."

Hijra is to emigrate from a non-Muslim land to a Muslim land, and is considered an extremely meritorious act. Yet service to parents takes precedence even over this!

The preceding hadiths all apply generally to both parents and explain what is meant by the Quran's command for "beautiful treatment" of parents. The hadiths also follow the Quran in showing a certain preference for the mother.

One hadith already cited above says, "Stay with [your mother], because Paradise is at her feet."

Another report is the following, which is narrated by Aisha Umm al-Muminin:
I asked the Prophet who has the greatest right over a man, and he said, "His mother."

And the following is narrated by the grandfather of Bahz ibn Hakim; the same incident has also been reported by Abu Huraira:

I asked, "Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then to whom should I be dutiful?" He replied, "Your father,and then the next closest relative and then the next."

From this, we can see the special position that mothers have, which has been indicated by the Quran (see above). The word translated as dutifulness is in Arabic birr, a word that is also translated as "piety", that is, dutifulness to Allah SWT. Here again, parents (and in particular mothers) are due the same kind of honor in our feelings that we give to Allah SWT, because of what they reflect of His qualities.

Summary of Islamic Teachings on Mothers

Parents are one of the means by which Allah SWT exercises His tarbiya (cherishing). They are due thankfulness, obedience, and gentleness towards their faults. If they command something contrary to Islam, they must not be obeyed yet even in that circumstance a Muslim must keep up good ties with them and consort with them honorably. He or she should never speak a harsh word to them or otherwise abuse them but instead should forgive them and ask Allah SWT to forgive them. Other actions that have been particularly mentioned are including parents in prayers and taking care of them when they are elderly. This is what is meant by the "beautiful conduct" that Allah SWT has commanded regarding parents. Remember that doing good by parents takes precedence even over hijra and jihad!

Mothers are one of the means by which Allah SWT exercises His creation. Beyond what she is due as a parent, a mother is additionally due special feelings of reverence and dutifulness. This is because of the travails that she suffered during pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing. The Prophet (sAas) has particularly instructed that mothers are due the best conduct four times before fathers are.

After worshiping Allah SWT alone, beautiful conduct to parents is the next most important duty for a Muslim. Considering that mothers are due this conduct even before fathers, it is no wonder that the Prophet (sAas) also said that Paradise is at the feet of mothers!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Biografi Ibu Mithali ke-2

Oleh : Nik Safiah Karim dan Rokiah Talib

Terbitan: YADIM
Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM)

Kompleks Pusat Islam,

Jalan Perdana 50480,

Kuala Lumpur.

Phone : 03-22746077 / 6090 / 4919

Fax : 03-22732330

Pada tahun 1980, Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) telah memperkenalkan anugerah Ibu Mithali sebagai satu penghargaan kepada kaum wanita. Penerima yang pertama ialah Ibu Enjah, seorang ibu yang tidak menerima pendidikan formal dan kehilangan suami sewaktu anak-anaknya masih kecil. Namun begitu, ibu tunggal ini telah berjaya mengasuh mereka sehingga menjadi manusia yang berjaya. Beliau juga telah memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk penglibatan dalam bidang politik Negara dan dalam kegiatan pertubuhan koperasi. Pada tahun 1984, penerima anugerah Ibu Mithali yang kedua ialah Hajah Wan Mas binti Wan Ibrahim. Disebalik kesibukan beliau menjalankan tugas sebagai guru, berpindah-randah mengikut tempat ditugaskan, Hajah Wan Mas, dengan sokongan suaminya, Haji Nik Omar, telah berjaya mendidik lapan orang anak sehingga mencapai tahap kejayaan yang membanggakan. Ada yang menjadi guru siswazah, ada yang menjadi doktor dan ada yang memegang pelbagai jawatan tinggi dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan. Disamping menjadi isteri dan ibu yang berjaya, dan berjaya pula dalam kerjaya sendiri, Hajah Wan Mas juga terlibat dengan kerja-kerja sukarela dan banyak berkhidmat kepada jiran tetangga dan orang-orang sekampung. Satu tindakan yang amat bererti ialah sumbangan sebahagian daripada tanah kepunyaan beliau dan keluarga sebagai tapak untuk membina masjid di kampungnya, Kampong Banggol.

HARGA : RM 33.00

Mendaki Bukit Ketika Sarat Mengandung Ujian Berat Buat Ibu Mithali

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Nov (Bernama) -- Mendaki bukit ketika sarat mengandung untuk mencari rezeki membesarkan anak-anaknya adalah antara ujian berat bagi ibu kepada 17 anak, Eshah Din, yang hari ini dinobatkan sebagai tokoh Ibu Mithali 2007.

Dengan menitikberatkan soal pendidikan anak-anak, Eshah, 70, tidak jemu menemani suaminya, Sulaiman Saipin, 74, menoreh getah di Ladang Malakoff dekat Tawar, iaitu lima kilometer dari Kampung Kuala Merah, Kuala Ketil, Kedah bagi mencari rezeki.

Malah, beliau tidak pernah merungut tentang jerih perih membesarkan anak yang ramai bilangannya itu walaupun berada dalam keadaan serba kekurangan.

"Ibu seorang yang tabah...masa sarat mengandung sembilan bulan, ibu boleh panjat bukit untuk ikut ayah pergi menoreh. Tapi saya tengok, ibu tidak pernah merungut ataupun bersedih dengan kesempitan hidup yang kami alami pada ketika itu.

"Ibu setia ikut ayah pergi menoreh, buat nasi lemak dan bihun goreng untuk dijual di kawasan estet. Semua itu untuk besarkan kami adik-beradik," kata Rosilah Sulaiman, anak keenam Eshah, ketika ditemui pemberita selepas majlis anugerah Ibu Mithali 2007 di sini hari ini.

Rosilah, 45, yang juga anak perempuan sulung, berkata meskipun menghadapi kesempitan hidup, tidak pernah sekalipun beliau melihat ibunya menitiskan air mata atau melepaskan kemarahan kepada anak-anak.

Beliau yang kini bertugas sebagai guru di Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Koperasi Polis di sini berkata pada ketika itu, beliau beruntung kerana tidak dibenar mengikut ayah mereka menoreh getah di ladang.

"Saya banyak membantu ibu dengan kerja rumah. Ayah tidak izinkan saya ke ladang kerana saya anak perempuan.

"Umur saya 12 tahun, saya sudah boleh memasak. Bukan ibu atau ayah paksa, tapi memikirkan tanggungjawab dan niat untuk membantu ibu, saya lakukan tanggungjawab sebagai anak perempuan," katanya.

Beliau berkata kepayahan yang dilalui oleh ibunya dalam membesarkan mereka memang tiada tolok bandingnya.

Sementara itu, Eshah berkata penat lelah yang dialaminya selama membesarkan 17 orang anak terbalas apabila melihat kesemua mereka kini berjaya dalam bidang masing-masing, dengan 13 daripadanya melanjutkan pelajaran ke institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT).

"Membesarkan 17 orang anak dan melihat mereka melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPT dengan pendapatan kecil sebagai penoreh getah memang memenatkan tapi bukanlah satu bebanan kepada mak cik," katanya.

Beliau berkata kerana tidak mahu anak-anaknya mewarisi kelemahan dan kekurangan dirinya dalam pelajaran, beliau sanggup berjuang habis-habisan sepanjang hari untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga.

Malah, beliau juga tidak berasa susah kerana dikurniakan keluarga besar dalam keadaan kesempitan sebaliknya menganggap anugerah Allah itu sebagai rezeki.

Eshah dan suami yang buta huruf sentiasa mendisiplinkan anak-anaknya dengan membahagikan masa untuk belajar, mengaji al-Quran dan juga masa bermain,

Mengenai rahsia membesarkan anak-anak dalam keadaan serba kekurangan itu, Eshah berkata segala rezeki yang diperoleh dibahagi sama rata antara anak-anaknya untuk mengelakkan berlaku perebutan.

Terdahulu, Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Nor Zahirah berkenan berangkat menyampaikan anugerah itu kepada Eshah dan empat lagi calon Ibu Mithali 2007 edisi ke-9 anjuran Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim).

Ibu Mithali yang terpilih, menerima hadiah wang tunai RM25,000 serta hadiah iringan plak, senaskah al-Quran, pakej umrah, sijil simpanan premium, barang kemas, selendang dan jubah.

Nota:  BERNAMA , Ibu Mithali

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mari Membaca :)

Laman Zero to Three disediakan oleh National Centre for Infants, Toddler and Family, US. Pelbagai kaedah dan tips pembangunan kognitif (pemikiran), fizikal, sosio-emosi kanak-kanak berusia 1-3 tahun digarap dengan bahasa dan teknik penyampaian yang mudah.

Artikel/tips terkini boleh dilanggan secara percuma melalui e-mail.

Nota: Selamat membaca! :)